Twentieth Century Wagontrainers


Twentieth Century Wagontrainers Chapter of Family Motor Coach Association, Inc.

Article I – Chapter Name

The name of this not-for-profit organization shall be the Twentieth Century Wagontrainers (aka TCW) Chapter of the Family Motor Coach Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as Chapter and FMCA.

Article II – Object

  1. Purpose: This Chapter exists to promote social, recreational, and informational exchange activities that provide for the enjoyment and pleasurable use of family member recreational vehicles (RVs).
  2. Area: This Chapter shall be authorized to function in the Eastern Area.
  3. Scope: This chapter will have members with a mutual interest in social, recreational and informational exchanges and/or drawn from location of New Jersey and surrounding states.

Article III – Members

  1. Eligibility: To be eligible for and to maintain membership in the Chapter, a person must be in good standing with FMCA, and meet the dues requirement and provisions set forth in the Bylaws of this Chapter. Membership in this chapter shall be open to any family unit or individual regardless of race, age, gender, national origin, religion, marital status or disability.
  2. The term “Family Unit,” is defined as a person; his or her spouse, or partner; dependents of each, regardless of age; non-dependent grandchildren and great-grandchildren aged 18 and under.
  3. The term “Membership," is defined as either a family unit or an individual or individuals owning a Qualifying RV who share a membership number.
  4. The term “Member," is defined as each adult who, jointly or individually, constitutes a membership.   The voting rights of each member are defined in the description of each category contained in Article III (3) of the FMCA Bylaws.
  5. A member must own a Qualifying RV or at least one-third interest in a qualifying RV in order to vote or hold office in this chapter.
  6. The term “Qualifying RV" is defined as a “self-contained wheeled vehicle that includes permanently installed cooking, sleeping, and permanent sanitary facilities.”
  7. Dues and Fees:
    • Annual Dues: Annual payment of Chapter and National dues enables persons to become active members and entitled to all rights and privileges of the Chapter and FMCA.   The annual dues for membership in the Chapter shall be an amount as the membership shall establish.
    • Renewal: Renewal dues from Chapter members become due and payable   after September for the upcoming calendar.
    • Initial Application: Application for new membership shall be accompanied by payment of annual Chapter and National dues (unless already an FMCA member). If an initial application is accepted after September 1st, the dues shall be regarded as covering the next membership year.
    • Initiation Fee: New and reinstated members may be required to pay an initiation fee in an amount to be established by the Chapter membership.
    • Arrears: Any member whose dues remain unpaid for more than 2 months after becoming due shall be considered delinquent; thereafter membership is canceled.

Article IV – Officers

  1. Duties of Officers: The duties of elected officers shall be as defined in the FMCA Policies and Procedures.
  2. Terms of Office: The elected officers of this Chapter shall serve a two ( 2) year term of office, or until their successors are elected.
  3. Rights and Limitations:
    • A member must own a Qualifying RV or at least 1/3 interest in a qualifying RV in order to vote or hold office in this chapter.
    • An individual FMCA member may hold either a single office in each of two chapters or two offices in one chapter. A member may hold the office of national director or alternate national director in only one chapter.
    • Any TCW member in good standing and eligible to hold office may be nominated from the floor for any elective office.
    • No official or member shall become vested of any right, title to, or interest in any Chapter property, except as required by law.
  4. Executive Board:
    • The officers of the chapter shall constitute the Executive Board.
    • The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter between its business meetings. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the chapter, and none of its acts shall be in conflict with the chapter or FMCA.
  5. Vacancies:
    • A vacancy will be declared to exist in the case of death, resignation, or inability of any officer to serve, or any officer ceases to meet the membership requirements as stated in ARTICLE III, except as authorized by ARTICLE III, 3(f) of the FMCA Bylaws.
    • In the event of an vacancy, permanent or otherwise in the position of the national director, the alternate national director shall promptly fill the vacancy.
    • In the case of a vacancy in any office other than the president, the president with the consent of the Executive Board, will appoint a person to fulfill the duties temporarily until the Nominating Committee can nominate one or more candidates and the chapter can hold an election to fill the office.
    • In the case of a vacancy in the office of the president, the executive vice president will become the president and the vacant executive vice president position will be filled in accordance with ARTICLE IV.

Article V – Committees

  1. Appointment: Committee members and Chairperson (except Nominating Committee) shall be appointed by the President.
  2. Duties: All committees shall function within the policies of the Chapter and (except Nominating Committee) under the direction of the President.
  3. Quorum: A Committee quorum shall be a majority.

Article VI – Chapter Administration

  1. Authority: This Chapter shall be democratically self-governed, deriving its existence and authority from the consent of its membership.
  2. Organizational Year: The fiscal and membership year of the Chapter shall commence on January 1st and end on December 31st.
  3. Chapter Meetings:
    • Types: The term “meeting” shall include RV rallies, campouts, dinner meetings, and any other gatherings suitable to the function of the Chapter.
    • Business Meetings: In each fiscal year, a chapter shall hold at least one business meeting at which a quorum is present. The meeting can be a gathering in one area or where some or all of the members communicate with other members through electronic means such as the Internet or by telephone that allows all members the opportunity for simultaneous aural communication. Said meeting shall be duly announced in advance to the member ship, including adequate description of how to participate.
    • Officer Election: The voting general membership is to elect Chapter officers, including a President, an Executive Vice President, and one (1) or more additional Vice President(s), a Secretary, a Treasurer, a National Director, and an Alternate National Director.
    • Quorum: A quorum for the transaction of business at any duly-called Chapter meeting is 25% of the Chapter family unit memberships or 15 family unit memberships, whichever is less.
    • Voting: Except as specified elsewhere in these Bylaws, a simple majority vote of F# and L# members in good standing and voting shall be required to approve or disapprove any matter. The Chapter has established that voting will be one (1) vote per family unit. Balloting by mail, email, or other electronic means may be undertaken when a proposed matter is voted to be of such importance or urgency that a total membership vote is advisable.
    • Parliamentary Process: The rules contained in the current edition of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED shall govern this Chapter’s proceedings to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of FMCA, and the Bylaws of this Chapter.
  4. Maintaining Affiliation: This Chapter must maintain a minimum of 15 family unit memberships. The Chapter Secretary shall furnish to the National Office of FMCA, no later than December 31st each year, a membership list, a list of chapter officers, and assurance that a business meeting was held.
  5. Annual Audit: An annual audit of the Chapter’s financial books and records shall be undertaken and reported to the membership.
  6. Application of National Constitution and Bylaws: This Chapter accepts and agrees that the Chapter Bylaws shall conform to any mandatory requirements stipulated in the Constitution, Bylaws of FMCA, and FMCA Policies and Procedures.

Article VII – Elections

  1. Nominating Committee Composition:
    • The Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than 3 Chapter members in good standing, nominated and elected every other year by the Chapter membership.
    • Election of an individual to the Nominating Committee shall not prohibit that person from being nominated for elected office.
  2. Nominating Committee Duties:
    • To select one of its members as Nominating Committee Chairman.
    • To nominate candidates for the Chapter Offices of President, Executive Vice President, one (1) or more additional Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, National Director, and an Alternate National Director for the new term to be presented for voting by the Chapter membership.
    • To obtain clear acceptance of the nominees to serve the Chapter should they be elected.
    • To make certain that nominated candidates are members in good standing and qualified under applicable National and Chapter bylaws.
    • To nominate candidates to fill vacancies that occur in elected Chapter offices.

Article VIII – Amendment of Bylaws

  1. Mandatory Amendments: FMCA National Bylaw and Policy and Procedures Amendments applicable to Chapter operations are not subject to a vote by the Chapter membership.
  2. Amending Procedure: These Bylaws may be amended by a 65% affirmative vote of the members present and voting at a duly-called meeting, providing that prior notice of at least 30 days has been given of the proposition(s) to amend. Any member of the Chapter may propose amendments to the Bylaws. Approved amendments to these Bylaws become effective immediately upon their adoption, or at such time as specified in the amendment.
  3. Distribution: Copies of changes, additions, amendments, or revisions to these Bylaws shall be forwarded to the National Office and to the National Area Vice President.

Article IX – Standing Rules

This chapter has adopted Standing Rules to provide guidelines and procedures by which the chapter may function and operate.

Article X – Liquidation and Dissolution

This Chapter of FMCA may be dissolved by a majority vote of chapter members. All of the remaining assets of the Chapter shall be contributed to the purpose(s) for which the Chapter is organized, or to a qualified non-profit charity or charities.