Twentieth Century Wagontrainers

Rally Guidelines

  1. Inform Rally VP, Rich Russo of your plans.
  2. Confirm location, dates, and make final arrangements with campground or venue operator.
  3. Select co-hosts.
  4. Print Rally Information Form from TCW website or email information to: Mary Burdge.
  5. Calculate costs for food, beverages, campground/parking fees, and any other miscellaneous expenses to arrive at the fee for attendees.
  6. Write two articles for Wagontracks. The first article should be fairly brief with the basics and just enough information to get people interested in your rally. The second article should include all detail: host and co-host names and phone numbers, dates, check-in/check-out time, available facilities, food/beverages, activities, complete cost, and detailed directions (include a map if possible) . Send to : Dennis Lawyer,
  7. Rally Registration Forms for recording attendees are available on the TCW website.
  8. Rally financial report forms are also on the website. Please fill this out completely and return to Nick after the rally. Also send rally registration forms.
  9. Mary Burdge will automatically order FMCA insurance for your rally after she receives the Rally Information Form from you. It will be mailed to you about one month prior to the rally.
  10. Obtain directional signs from the host of the rally prior to yours. If this is not possible, check with Rich Russo to see how you can obtain other signs.
  11. TCW has coffee pots and paper products you may need. Check with the prior rally hosts or Rich Russo about what the club has available to you before you make any purchases.
  12. Are there interesting things to do in the area? Collect information, maps, and brochures and have them available for attendees. Include highlights in the Wagontracks write-up.
  13. Plan meals. Secure food and supply sources in the area of the rally.
  14. Enlist volunteers for: Parking, Greeting/Registration, Meal set up and breakdown, Meal servers, Coffee makers, Activities. These may include crafts, shopping trips, tours, or group games.
  15. Make arrangements with the host or co-host of the next rally to pass back coffee pots, signs, and extra supplies.
  16. Write thank you notes if necessary.

Thanks for making TCW a fun club!